Find Brief history of Australia | Australian history timeline



Brief history of Australia | Australian history timeline


The word Australia, originally meaning "the continent of the south", is derived from the Latin terra australis (land in the south). Europeans discovered this continent in the 17th century. They thought it was a land directly connected to Antarctica, so they named it "Australia".  As early as more than 40,000 years ago, the indigenous people lived and multiplied on the land of Australia. The total number of indigenous people in Australia was 413,000 (data from the 2001 Census).

In 1606, the Spanish navigator Luis Vaezde Torres sailed through the strait between Australia and New Guinea; in the same year, the Dutchman William Jans’ Duyfken set foot in Australia and was It is the first recorded real landing of a foreigner in Australia and named this place "New Holland".

In 1770, British navigator Captain James Cook discovered the east coast of Australia, named it "New South Wales" and declared the land belonged to the United Kingdom.

In 1790, the first group of free citizens from the United Kingdom emigrated to Australia, with Sydney as the center, and gradually developed inland. By 1803, the colonial area had expanded to what is now Tasmania. The earliest inhabitants of Australia were indigenous people.

In 1900, the inhabitants of all six colonies held a one-person, one-vote referendum.  The result of the vote was that the six places should be unified and a single Australian Federation was established. British Parliament passed the "Australian Federal Constitution" and the "Regulations of the British Dominion." in July month.

On January 1, 1901, the colonial districts of Australia were changed to states, and the six colonial districts were unified into a federation, forming the Commonwealth of Australia. At the same time, the first constitution was passed.

In 1927, the Australian capital moved to Canberra.

In 1931, the British Parliament passed the "Westminster Act", enabling Australia to gain independence in domestic and foreign affairs and become an independent country in the Commonwealth.

In 1986, the British Parliament passed the "Act on Relations with Australia", and Australia was granted full legislative power and judicial final adjudication power.

 Gold mines were discovered in New South Wales and Victoria in the 1950s. Large numbers of gold prospectors from Europe, the Americas and China flocked in. The population of Australia increased from 400,000 in 1850 to 1.1 million in 1860. 

On November 14, 2017, Australia was elected as a member of the World Heritage Committee for a term of 4 years.

             In December 2019, severe wildfires occurred in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, and other places in Australia, covering more than 6 million hectares of fire. More than 20 people have been killed and more than 2,000 houses have been destroyed. Thousands of them have been destroyed. People were forced to leave their homes.  The mountain fire crisis lasted for several months. Heavy smoke has drifted to New Zealand,  2,000 kilometers away, causing New Zealand's air quality to damage and also causes smog.   

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