it's Sialkot city (PUNJAB) | Sialkot Pakistan | short history, industry and more

 Sialkot city(Pakistan):

Sialkot is a city in northeastern Pakistan. North of the Ankara River, northeast of Gujranwala. The population is 655,852 (2017).

it's Sialkot city (PUNJAB) | Sialkot Pakistan | short history, industry and more

Short history:

Sialkot has a long history. In 1185, the Afghan aristocratic Sultan conquered Sialkot. It became part of the Muslim dynasty in Delhi and later became part of the Muslim Mughal Empire. After the partition of India and Pakistan in 1947, the Hindu and Sikhs who originally lived in Sialkot moved to India and a large number of Muslims came to Sialkot from India to settle in Sialkot.

Sialkot International Airport:

 The airport is located 14 kilometers west of the city center. The airport is the first private civil airport in South Asia and Pakistan. It mainly competes with the new Islamabad International Airport and has the longest runway in Pakistan.

 Industrial and commercial city:

 There are cotton spinning, medical equipment, sports equipment, flour, and other factories. The transportation center, railways, and roads leading to Lahore, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, and Jammu in Kashmir.


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